There are 2 delivery options:
1) Through the supplier
It’s no secret that suppliers can offer logistics services cheaper through the company’s name, which entails all the consequences.
2) Through a reliable logistics company that will responsibly escort you and your cargo from the manufacturer to Amazon warehouses.

The first option for delivering goods from China may seem the simplest and cheapest, since it does not require finding an intermediary company. However, in practice, everything entails a number of consequences that carry risks for the client and his cargo.
Firstly, Chinese suppliers usually do not include the cost of customs clearance in the delivery cost, which includes payment of tax duties, costs of processing and storing goods in a customs warehouse. The solution to all problems arising in this regard falls on the shoulders of the client, who, as a rule, finds out about them at the last moment and does not know how to solve them.
We often receive similar requests for solutions, but we only deal with cargo that we have handled ourselves.
2) Through a reliable logistics company that will responsibly escort you and your cargo from the manufacturer to Amazon warehouses
Secondly, the main task of the factory is the production and sale of goods, so there is no point in creating a specialized logistics department. In such cases, the supplier turns to a partner transport company, which does not always have an idea of the specifics of delivery under the Amazon FBA program. The language barrier and the peculiarities of the Chinese attitude to reality further aggravate the situation. For example, the Chinese side may interpret the Incoterms FOB terms as delivery to a provincial port, while for the client this is the port of departure from the country.
Thirdly, the supplier has no incentive to build business processes to accompany the cargo, since this is a responsible and lengthy process that does not bring them money.
As a result, you, as a client, get a number of problems that can happen to you at any stage of transportation and no one will help you.
The best way to avoid them is to contact us, a professional logistics company UnreaL China